Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Because the Time Has Come

It recently came to my attention that I'm not biologically predisposed to pen and paper. It's also becoming clear to me that I might have more to say than can fit into a Facebook status; hence, the blog starts churning again--for the first time, like Disney's Bambi coming out of its vault.

So what is it that I have to say to you, who happen to have mistakenly clicked on me?

Well, there's the problem that I'm graduating and have been stone-shopping so I can engrave my future at the end of May (I hate shopping).

That I don't own a single pair of high heels.

That Bernard Malamud and I have had a date for the past 5 months, but I keep standing him up (sorry, The Complete Stories).

But no matter. The re-churning of this blog, originally created for a class I hated, can be a tikkun for the things in life I could be pursuing at this moment, like working on my honors thesis, reading Shir HaShirim or researching how many q's there are in "tikkun."

I think this is the dawn of a new era I can get along with.

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